[Series] Behavioral Analysis based on Social Data | Social Data Analytics - Techmidroid

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

[Series] Behavioral Analysis based on Social Data | Social Data Analytics

   Social media provides abundant, naturally occurring data on communications among people that can reveal their behavior. Recent technological advancements have made possible the rapid processing of social media data with the potential to learn more about human behavior. Traditionally, researchers have used surveys, focus groups, and observational methods to study these behaviors. Unfortunately, these methods are typically costly and time consuming. Social media provides naturally occurring data on communications among people that is abundant and relatively easy to collect. 
People often reveal their behavior or their intent to carry out the behavior within their communications. 
The rise in popularity of social media created the opportunity to collect large amounts of naturally occurring data of communications among people. 

It’s a most powerful psychological tool which changes our emotions, perspectives and ultimately the person. Someone sees the post “I’m me, I don’t change for anyone” posted by some psychopath, he’ll follow because he thought it’s true and never search for its authenticity. The person sees about breakup quotes, attitude quotes and stylish quotes and get into a semi delusional state and live with the same emotional states and perceptional  habits and compulsive behaviors which he gained through Facebook or other Social Media platforms.

The objective of this blog series is to  identify how human behavior is affected by one’s social ecosystem. We would like to discuss various factors which contributes to human behavior, how they could be influenced by Social Media, manipulating Social Data to extract personnel and confidential information, inject an idea and drive the public to do something. We would also like to model human behavior on Social Media in response to significant events. Stay tuned!

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